Sunday, August 20, 2006

The Amazing DNA Mixer (File Picture) Posted by Picasa


Clue: Come RIDE with me

Simple. Cosmic world, an indoor theme park in the mall.

Task: Answer a mathematical question while taking the ride.

The ride: DNA Mixer…It was a ^$&I#@* (insert expletive of your choice here) ride. I was strapped to a chair. There were two Maths questions pasted on the glass panel in front of me. I had to answer one. Hmmm…It was a quiet a challenge. My brain had actually deteriorated since they put the calculator function in mobile phone. Then the thing started to tumble!

Tumble. Tumble. Tumble. (Still OK)

Tumble. Tumble. Tumble. (Started to break into cold sweat. Mouth dry. Head dizzy.)

Tumble. Tumble. Tumble. (Are we done yet? I felt like puking here)

More tumble. Tumble. Tumble. (Get me out of this ^$&I#@* (insert expletive of your choice here) ride!!!!!)

I felt like a cat trapped in a washing machine. No joke!

Me got off the ride, shaken and stirred (pun intended). (Keluar peluh jantan betina…). Phew!!!….

Later, back in 1-U, someone told me that she had to swallow her own puke during the ride. Yikes! Imagine if she let it all out. Projectile vomit in action, eh?

I was glad that the ride was finally over and I didn’t puke my brain out. I got the math question correct. Did the one with the apples.


Clue: A picture of The Oscar

Must be movie theaters or some shop called Oscar or Academy. Dashed to GSC. Nope not there. Where else? IMAX @ 10th floor. – the largest of its kind in South East Asia.

Task: Find an AXN sticker in the IMAX cinema hall, in the dark with a little help from a little torchlight.

And I had only 10 minutes to do the task because the next movie going to start. If I exceed 10 minutes, I had to wait another 1 hour and go in after the movie.Yikes! No more waiting. I MUST find that $%%&$ sticker!

There I was searching. On the carpet. Underneath the seat. Behind the seat. I found one stuck underneath the arm rest. Yippee! In 3 minutes I was out of there. I guess I was lucky.

Now back to 1-U. Again, had to wait for my ride as well. There were about 6 people waiting in line in front of me. Sigh! All these waiting were driving me nuts. Dehydrated. No water. No money. I was still wobbly from the DNA mixer ride. (Insert expletive here)

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